mAi 411
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Sad Story
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Friendship Poemz
Mai Fav Poemz ~n~ Othas
One Last Thing...

mAi FaV pOeMz ~n~ OtHaS

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the Pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods maybe
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishment the scroll
I am the Master of my fate
I am the Captain of my soul.
                          -- William Earnest Henley


*~*~*One last thing*~*~*

We were friends

Together the time we spend

We laugh

And stood at each others behalf

We cry

As time slowly went by

My eyes brilliantly sparkling

For this newfound friendship is truly dazzling


But now I see you there

And him playing with your hair

How could this be?

Was this what I truly see?

I wanted to scream

And blow everything to smithereens

I was lost and I was confused

But my pride made me refuse


To keep you from distress

My feelings I suppressed

The only thing to do

Was something untrue

I hid my feelings

Although my heart was bleeding

My feelings I concealed

Hoping one day it wound heal


Now, the laughter lost

Was what this mishap caused

Now, only tears are found in my eyes

As they are shed in the dark where I hide

Now, the fun is gone

The separating line was drawn

Now, only I cry

For all the lies

Now, only I deny

But inside I slowly die.


All I have to say

For the pain I suffer each and every day

The pain caused by you

Altough you had no clue

What is done

Cannot be undone

There is no way our friedship could ever mend

And this is how it ends.

                     -------by me


---\--@ If I... @--/---

If I give you a ring...

It will slowly rust away

If I give you chocolate...

It will quickly be eaten away

If I give you a poem...

You will read it once and never again

If I give you a hug...

It wouldnt be enough

If I give you a kiss...

It will be washed away

If I give you a rose...

It will wither with time

But, if I give you my love...

It will last for eternity

                  -------by me


Paradise                                                              Paradise Vanished

In a place where the sun does shine,      Walking down the deserted streets,

On every face there're marks of fine;      Seeing dismay in people I meet;

The heat of the sun beating down,           One child bursts in tears,

Living creatures in it drown.                    As the world dawn in fear.


In a place where the rain does fall,           A rueful mother cried in pain,

You could hear the little birds call;          Through the pounding of the rain;

Many flowers dance in bloom,                  For the lost of her infant,

Glowing outside the childs room.             Who was oh so innocent.


In a place where there is no hate,             What did this infant do wrong?

Babes dont get such a fate;                     To carry deaths eerie song;

In every person there is no fear,                Its a simple question, why?

It is truly paradise here.                            The answer lies above the sky.


                                                                It is he, who decides your fate,

                                                                 It is he who creates the hate;

                                                                It is he, who sheds great light,

                                                          It is he who cast down deaths blight.
By me 



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