Vi3t PrYd3 PoEmZ

mAi 411
mai Homegurlz
mai Homeboiz
Sad Story
AzN pRyDe PoEmZ
Vi3t PrYd3 PoEmZ
How to say "I Luv You" in 100 languages
FoR Da LaDiEz
How to be the perfect asian child
Wayz to tell if you're azn
You're viet if...
Learn chinese in five minutes
Da Pool Theory
Got Rice?
Luv Poemz
Azn Titanic
*Crushez n Couplez*
10 Teen Commandments
Da Questionz n Da Answerz
Pix wit Poemz
Take Mai Quizzes!
Friendship Poemz
Mai Fav Poemz ~n~ Othas
One Last Thing...

HeYhEy!! 4 DoS Of u WhO ArEn'T Vi3t, PlEaSe DoN't GeT OfFeNdEd By DeS PoEmZ


Viet Pride
My country, my pride
Will stay like dat til I die
We are like birdz dat flyz
From coast 2 coast.
White and black think we are foolz
So i stood up wit my pride
I am da color of yellow & red
I showed my fellowz
Dat is my blood
We used 2 be da north and south
But now we are da east and west
2 get it all, we must finish the rest
Otha country try 2 take our land
But neva got it cuz of our pride
Coast 2 coast u will see
Dat we are da familiez of Vietnamese
World wide from us 2 Vietnam
We're da population of everywhere
I am a tru Vietnamese
So I hab da right 2 write in Viet
"Du Ma Ai Khong Phai Viet"


My definition of Vietz
We knoe no fear, we shed no tears,
Even if da beast of hell waz hea.
No other race can hang wid us.
And only in mah pplz can I trust.
We hate those who talk trash,
And those dat do, their faces we will smash.
We don`t run our mouth, like most ya`ll do.
If it`s necessary, we`ll blast u and ur crew.


    Viet Pryde
Viet Pride is what you see
Viet Pride forever it will be
On top is where we stand
A true viet born is what i am
Spreadin' love nationwide
i know where i'm at so step aside
People near and far
Know not where and what we are
Chinese, Japanese is what they guess
But we Vietnamese yo, no less
Look here, i got one more thing tah say to you
ViEt PriDe TiLL thA dAy i DiE fOo!!~!


   Viet Nation
VietPride with our mind and our heart
we stick together as a viet nation
we kick some ass with the azn communist
but the butt ass American too scard run away
we still stand to fight until our last breath
we fight with our heart our countries in mind
we don't care about die, we care about our pride
So don't let the Viet Pride down
Even ough that we lost
but our thought never die
we still alive, here and there
we still talk and communicate
once day we will come back
we'll fight with our pride
we'll get our danm countries back
lets kick some ass with those backstab us
we are the azn that never lies down
cause even ough that we far apart
we have the same thought and mind
that how we fight to keep our nation


Vi3t pRyDe

is da way we ride
we came frum da east to tha west
we're better than tha rest
is world wide
out gurl ish cute
our guyz are tight
say "vietpryde ish da bomb" you got dat rite
we stand up foe our country side
cuz itz all bout vietpryde
we don't beg and pleez
cuz we got our needz
we eat rice
we all got viet spice
our gurl and guyz are
respectful and nice
we got our own gang
talk shiet and you'll get bang
we stand up foe eachotha
and thats foreva
so don't even botha
we stand up foe our frenz
alwayz until tha endz
we got handz
don't you understand
you can't mess with us man!
you ain't shiet
is you ain't a viet!!
itz vp all tha wayz!




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