*Ke Xing
*~*Ravi*~* Well, he used to be mad perverted
last year and I hated him... well not hate, but disliked. This year he's cool with me. He seems to be more mature now. Since
I got to know him better this year, he's man nice. Never seen him mad once... well, maybe once, but that scared the hell
out of me. Well, he's a really great guy and I hope he gets with... unknown... before he kills me...jk...
*~*Nicholas*~* Ummm... He's a really nice
guy... I think... jk. He's really tall, kinda reminds me of a big cuddly teddy bear, but he needs to get that shape up. His
nickname from Reggie is "wolverine", you could pretty much see why...I remember getting mad at him this one time because he
was messing with me about some quiz. I was mad at him for a long while...well not exactly...I wasn't really mad at him...I
just did it for the fun of it, to see him suffer...how evil I am...muuhhaaa...lol...jk...You know I luv ya Nick...
*~*Ivan*~* He's cool and funny. Always calling me
yenny yen....arrgghh...lol... The thing I'll remember most is "Sus chicos"... we'll just leave that unsaid...