mAi 411
mai Homegurlz
mai Homeboiz
Sad Story
AzN pRyDe PoEmZ
Vi3t PrYd3 PoEmZ
How to say "I Luv You" in 100 languages
FoR Da LaDiEz
How to be the perfect asian child
Wayz to tell if you're azn
You're viet if...
Learn chinese in five minutes
Da Pool Theory
Got Rice?
Luv Poemz
Azn Titanic
*Crushez n Couplez*
10 Teen Commandments
Da Questionz n Da Answerz
Pix wit Poemz
Take Mai Quizzes!
Friendship Poemz
Mai Fav Poemz ~n~ Othas
One Last Thing...

WaYz Ta TeLl If Ya AzN


  1. Everyone thinks you're "Chinese" no matter what part of Asia your ancestors were from.
  2. You save grocery bags and use them to hold garbage.
  3. An Asian woman comes on campus and people ask: "Is that your mother? Well then, is it your sister?"
  4. You use the dishwasher as a dish rack.
  5. "You want a stereo!" When I was your age, I didn't even have shoes!!"
  6. You have a rice cooker or two.
  7. You wash rice 2-3 times before cooking it.
  8. Your parents buy you clothes and shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come."
  9. You hate to waste food.
  10. Even when you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them.
  11. You have a big asian supermarket calendar in your kitchen.
  12. Your parents tell you about how long it took for them to get to school, how horrible the weather was in their native country, and how much they still appreciated going.
  13. When toilet paper is on sale, you buy 100 rolls and store them.
  14. You carry a stash of your own food whenever you travel (and travel means any car ride no longer than 15 minutes)
  15. You only make long-distance calls after 11pm or during weekends.
  16. When going to other peoples' houses, you always have to bring a gift.
  17. You think ONLY Japanese can make good CARS! (or any other electronic equipment for that matter)
  18. You starve yourself before going to all-you-can-eat places.
  19. Your parents still tried to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15
  20. You were/are a good student with very high GPA's.
  21. Your parents enjoy comparing you to their friends' kids.
  22. You've learned to keep bargaining even if the prices are rock bottom.
  23. You've had to eat parts of animals they don't even put in hot dogs.
  24. You know what lo mein is
  25. Your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV
  26. You have gotten little red envelopes around February.
  27. Piles of shoes tend to make it hard to open the front, back and closet doors.
  28. Idiotz try to impress you with pathetic imitation Asian languages, like the ever-so-popular: ching chong woo bok chi, etc. . .
  29. Your parents say leaving rice in your bowl is a sin.
  30. At least one family member wears black wire/plastic frame glasses
  31. Your relatives' houses smell like incense, mothballs or both
  32. Everyone thinks you're good at math.
  33. You house is always cold in winter, hot in summer.
  34. Your parents insist you marry within your race.
  35. You learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents
  36. People see a bunch of scribbles on a chopstick and ask you to translate.
  37. You have to call just about all your parent's friends "Auntie and Uncle."
  38. You have 12+ aunts and uncles
  39. You've had to sit through karaoke videos with scantily clad, ugly Asian women attempting to dance and walk around a temple, forest or library.
  40. At expensive restaurants, you order a delicious glass of water for your beverage and NEVER order dessert.
  41. Your parents simply cut the green/black part off the bread and say "Eat it anyway. It's still good."
  42. You will most likely be taller than your parents.
  43. You buy soy sauce by the gallon.
  44. Your family owns butcher knives bigger than your head.
  45. You have an extra freezer in your house.
  46. Your parents send money to relatives in Vietnam.
  47. Your screen name consists of Azn or Viet, and everyother word in the profile is written in alternationg lower case/capital letters.
  48. You call people "peepz" since two syllables is too complex for you.
  49. You fit 9 people in a car, when the limit is 5.
  50. You wear a jade necklace, even if you're not into Buddha.
  51. You must have a stringy, Oriental-looking ornament dangling from the mirror of your souped-up car.
  52. If you are overcharged, you scream bloody muder, but if you are undercharges you go your merry way.
  53. Your childhood is filled with painful memories of the long feather duster.
  54. You have a pair of sandles.
  55. You make fun of your parents when they try to speak English.
  56. You look older than you really are.
  57. Your parents think you're 12 when you're really 18.
  58. Guys: you sit on your butt all day.
  59. Girls: you do everything while your man sits on his butt.
  60. Your parents compare you to 4.5 nerds and call you stupid.
  61. You watch Vietnamese translated movies that are 30 tapes long.
  62. You like to wear Nike, Adidas, Tommy, or Nautica.
  63. Guys: You either have high spikes or slicked small bangs combed back.
  64. Anyb0dy will ask you to say something in Vietnamese. After you told them hello and how are you doing in Vietnamese, they ask about the cuss words.
  65. You always look up at women, if you are male.
  66. You eat family dinners with the TV on.
  67. You've never kissed your mom or dad.
  68. You drive around looking for the cheapest gas.
  69. You'll drive around for hours looking for the best parking space.
  70. Your fridge stinks.
  71. Your parents want to live with you when they are old.
  72. You always hear about how great so-and-so's son or daughter is.
  73. You buy Christmas cards after Christmas, when they are 50% off.
  74. Your house smells like preserved fish.
  75. Your parents always compare Vietnam and America.
  76. If you lose a dollar, you dwell upon it for more than 5 minutes.
  77. You enjoy Karaoke and/or you have the machine at home.
  78. You'll make ridiculous offers when bargaining. ("I'll give you $5 for that car")
  79. You have the last name or is related to someone who has the last name:Nguyen.
  80. You have to make phone calls for your parents to english speakers.
  81. Girls: you hate all F.O.B.'s that go "Hey babee, you cute. Can I hab yo fone numba?"
  82. In your house, there's always multiple pictures of your family and when you were small, side by side in every room.
  83. After you come from the beach with a tan, your parents say you look Cambodian.
  84. Your parents are attracted to the English words: "99 cents" or "FREE."
  85. You own some kind of Asian brand of electronic machines like Panasonic and Sony.
  86. Your parents can only help you with math and no other subjects.
  87. Your stove is covered with aluminum foil.
  88. You beat eggs with chopsticks.
  89. You only make long distance calls after 11p.m. or on the weekend.



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